Marina Kuperman Villatoro
Hi! I’m Marina. I have never had a conventional job, nor will I ever and hope you don’t either.
I have helped and inspired thousands to travel more, work less, move abroad, spend more time with their kids and invest in the most important thing of all – experiences and adventures.
I’m a world traveler, creator, innovator, entrepreneur, podcaster, author, global speaker, day trader, educator, experience collector, mama and wife.
The beauty of life is to create what works for you and to earn money while spending as much time doing what you love to do.
I have traveled to over 40 countries. Lived in 8 countries, and 15 states (in the US). I speak 3 languages fluently and am raising my sons to be multicultural, trilingual global citizens.
I’m a Soviet Union Refugee, raised in the United States, married to a Guatemalan who I met while backpacking around the world at a Mayan Ruin.
Today my family and I live in Barcelona, Spain after living over 20 years in Central America (6 years in Costa Rica and 14 years in Guatemala).